Rajiv Gandhi University Of Knowledge Technologies

R.K Valley, Vempalle, Kadapa District, Andhra Pradesh - 516 330


Guide Lines

Guide Lines

Students attending the convocation in person shall pay the prescribed fee of Rs. 1000/- and those who attend In-Absentia shall pay the prescribed fee of Rs. 1000/- + 500/- through SBI Collect and the particulars of payment shall be mentioned in the Registraiton form.
Only candidates who do not owe fee dues are eligible for obtaining their original degrees at convocation premises.
Graduates, attending the convocation ceremony, are informed to follow the below dress code. Graduates have to arrange their own dresses.
For Boys: Kurta with Pyjama/Pant in Off- White color.
For Girls: Sari/ Chudidar in Off-White color.
For Fee Details clarification, please contact to Finance Section of concern Institute
Graduates may write to convocation@rgukt.in for further clarifications.